We don't offer any babysitting services but we can offer a contact for a local company that does offer this service:
You will need to deal directly with them as the hotel takes no responsibility for the operation of this service:
Their rates are:
€17.00 per hour
4 hour session.
€17.00 per hour
4 hour session
€17.00 per hour
4 hour session
After midnight (24:00)
€19.00 per hour.
All day session
€120 per session.
Extra hours must be paid for in resort. Please note that these prices are for a maximum of 2 children.
All hours are flexible and a third child will be charged at the additional rate of €2 per hour.
For 4 or more children you'll be required two nannies.
Once booked, if cancelled up to 5 days before booking should commence then 50% of the whole booking is payable.
If cancelled within 48hrs of actual booking the whole amount is payable as the nanny would have been reserved for that period.
To book, please do so directly at:
If you need to contact them for any urgencies, the number is:
+34 605 077472
Alternative number: +34 615 450918
You will need to deal directly with them as the hotel takes no responsibility for the operation of this service:
Their rates are:
€17.00 per hour
4 hour session.
€17.00 per hour
4 hour session
€17.00 per hour
4 hour session
After midnight (24:00)
€19.00 per hour.
All day session
€120 per session.
Extra hours must be paid for in resort. Please note that these prices are for a maximum of 2 children.
All hours are flexible and a third child will be charged at the additional rate of €2 per hour.
For 4 or more children you'll be required two nannies.
Once booked, if cancelled up to 5 days before booking should commence then 50% of the whole booking is payable.
If cancelled within 48hrs of actual booking the whole amount is payable as the nanny would have been reserved for that period.
To book, please do so directly at:
If you need to contact them for any urgencies, the number is:
+34 605 077472
Alternative number: +34 615 450918