Manage your booking

*If you have booked with a tour operator/ travel agent; the prices would be as follows:  From Standard room to Premium room: 46.20 euros per room p...
Fri, 15 Nov, 2024 at 1:01 PM
How do I pay my balance?
Although you don't need to pay the balance until arrival at the hotel if you have booked directly or on our website, it makes it easier at check in to h...
Wed, 23 Nov, 2022 at 2:23 PM
If you have booked through a tour operator, please contact them as we can not make any changes from our side to their bookings as per our contract agreement...
Thu, 24 Nov, 2022 at 3:31 PM
How can I add a person to my booking?
In order to add a person, please ensure first that the person fits in the room. The standard and premium rooms can accommodate a maximum of two adults and t...
Wed, 22 Jan, 2025 at 10:08 AM
If you have booked with a tour operator, you will need to cancel your holiday with them. Please check their cancellation policy as well as your terms and co...
Wed, 23 Nov, 2022 at 2:34 PM
Can I change the dates on my booking?
If you have booked with a tour operator, you will need to contact them as this is a term of our contract agreement.  For bookings made directly or on ou...
Wed, 23 Nov, 2022 at 2:30 PM
Rooms together
Unfortunately we do not have any interconnecting rooms nor can we guarantee rooms next to each other. Cost for rooms on the same floor is 15 euros per booki...
Thu, 23 May, 2024 at 4:50 PM
How much is the government's tourist tax?
Majorca will support more than 16 million tourists this year on an island of 1.200.000 inhabitants. In order to help counteract the effect that all these to...
Fri, 26 Jan, 2024 at 10:25 AM
Do I need to bring the card I have paid the deposit with?
No, you don't have to bring the card with you as our payment gateway is secure and will have requested identification at the time of payment already. Sa...
Sat, 3 Nov, 2018 at 8:37 AM
Do I get my deposit back if I cancel?
Yes, as long as it is a direct booking, the deposits are refunded if you cancel at least 1 day before arrival. Once we received your cancellation, either vi...
Thu, 24 Nov, 2022 at 3:38 PM